
Trekking in Ecuador

by on 16th December, 2024

Hiking Ideas: The Best Trekking in Ecuador

Kathy and her son, Lewis, trekked in Ecuador, where they explored some of the walks on our lodge-to-lodge Ecuador trekking trips.


Trekking in Ecuador

Ecuador is a land of dramatic landscapes and extreme contrasts, and we think walkers often overlook it. These walkers prefer to head to Peru’s more well-known Inca Trail, missing out on the great walks Ecuador offers.

Kathy gave her impressions of her lodge-to-lodge-based trek:

“What a fabulous trek – we didn’t see another trekker on the walks on any of our four days.  The landscapes are stunning, and the route is really varied, with plenty of wildlife – lots of birds, orchids, bromeliads and we saw wild horses, an Andean fox, a condor and a nest with fluffy young caracara.

“Plus, we stayed at superb, comfortable accommodation along the way, where we received a warm welcome and excellent food. Throughout, we had close-up views of several volcanoes: Pasochoa, Cotopaxi, Sincholagua, Rumiñahui, and others further in the distance.”


trekking ecuador lodges trek



Lodge-to-Lodge Trekking: A Review

Here, Kathy gives her thoughts and impressions on the hike.

“We set off through the tail end of Quito’s rush hour traffic and, within half an hour, were in the lush green countryside.

“Over the next four days, we walked through beautiful valleys rich with wildlife and up into the scenic paramos of the national park of Cotopaxi.

“The first two days were gentle walking alongside the river Pita, a small bubbling river of fast, fresh mountain water, with waterfall after waterfall.

“We saw bright red mountain tanagers eating fruit in the trees, a pair of torrent ducks, my favourites, leaping into rapids, hopping out onto boulders, dippers also performing underwater acrobatics, and dozens of mountain caracara and hummingbirds zipping from flower to flower. It was a fabulous, warm, wildlife-rich couple of days.”


kid and waterfall on ecuador trekking trip



Condors, Foxes, and Remote Trekking

“Over the next two days, we went higher, the vegetation changing to scrub and stunted trees, ground-level flowers, and cushion-shaped plants, staying low to avoid the wind and cold of the highland plains.

“Andean condors are relatively rare in Ecuador, but we saw one soaring overhead, a thick-coated fox trotted past, and we passed several herds of wild horses. My son collected animal bones as we walked. Up here, there was a fabulous sense of space and no other trekkers around.

“At the end of our trek, we spent a day horse riding, but others can choose to climb Cotopaxi or Rumiñahui or head back to Quito to explore other corners of Ecuador.


lodges trek flowers ecuador



Who Would Our Lodge-to-Lodge Ecuador Trekking Tour Suit?

This 4-day lodge-to-lodge hiking tour offers some of the best trekking in Ecuador in maximum comfort.

The trek is suitable for all abilities as the daily walks can be tailored to how you feel each day, with options for just a couple of hours of walking to longer, tougher days.  A vehicle transports all luggage (so you only carry a day pack) and is on hand, too, for walkers who would like to cut the day short.

We offer variations on this lodge-to-lodge tour to suit:


cloud forest guide ecuador lodges trek



When Is the Best Time to Go Trekking in Ecuador?

The drier months are April/May to early/mid-October, but you can walk here at any time of year. Contact us for more information about lodge-to-lodge trekking in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, or Patagonia.




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