Lastarria – Santiago’s new neighbourhood hot spot by Kat Dougal on 1st July, 2016 Lastarria, Santiago’s new hot spot Alan shares his top tips of where to eat, drink and find cultural stimulation in Lastarria, Santiago’s new neighbourhood hot spot He writes: Lastarria neighbourhood in central Santiago has blossomed in the last few years into the hot new area to stay whilst visiting Chile’s capital. Sandwiched between the Parque …
Tips and advice to Climb Huayna Potosi, Bolivia by Kathy Jarvis on 17th June, 2016 Climb Huyana Potosi in Bolivia BOLIVIA: Huayna Potosi is one of the most accessible 6,000m climbs in all of the Andes. It is the perfect Andean mountain for novice or experienced mountaineers. Here, some Andean Trails’ climbers our own staff give us an insight to their experiences on this fantastic Andean summit. The customers …
Expert travel advice: Peru and Bolivia by Kathy Jarvis on 27th May, 2016 Expert travel advice: Peru and Bolivia Andean Trails’ owner Kathy Jarvis gives her tips and insights from her recent tour with son Lewis through southern Peru and Bolivia. Where have you just been? I went to Peru and Bolivia for a month What did you see and do? I wanted to check out …
Trekking advice in Patagonia: independently vs group by Tom Shearman on 12th May, 2016 Advice on trekking in Patagonia Patagonia is a ruggedly beautiful land cut from jagged Andean mountains and blue glaciers. Patagonia has a climate that commands respect from the gauchos that work the land to the pumas, condors and other wildlife that make this spectacular region their home. For trekkers, it is and adventure holiday and …
Travel advice: safe drinking water by Tom Shearman on 28th April, 2016 Travel advice: safe drinking water Travellers’ diarrhoea is the most likely illness anyone encounters on their holiday. By following a few simple steps, you can avoid an upset stomach and enjoy an illness-free holiday in South America (and other parts of the world!). The most common cause of water-borne illness is bacteria, such as E. …
Advice to anyone thinking of a career break to travel by Tom Shearman on 1st April, 2016 Thinking of a career break to travel? Tom writes about his six months travelling across South America. The tour, with his partner Elena, encompassed Chile, Patagonia, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Galapagos and Colombia. He writes: “Just do it. A gap year, a gap half-year or a midlife crisis (I’m approaching 40 fast): call it what …
Packing list for mountain trekking by Kathy Jarvis on 21st January, 2016 Packing list for mountain trekking Trekking has been at the top of our adventure list for many years. We have learned quite a bit and have some valuable tips to share with future trekkers. Good kit is vital for the enjoyment of any trekking trip – we’ve all heard it before but it’s just so …
Salt Flats of Bolivia, know before you go by Tom Shearman on 5th June, 2015 Salt Flats of Bolivia, know before you go See the famous salt flats,Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, through Andean Trails’ Maria’s eyes, in this week’s blog, and check our Pinterest Uyuni board here. Maria writes: Through the world’s largest salt flat With an area of 12,000 km² and a layer of salt almost six metres deep, …
Favourite holiday books to read by Kathy Jarvis on 22nd May, 2015 Favourite holiday books to read For some it’s their mobile phone, tablet or laptop, and sometimes the travel companion. For others, it’s still the book (or e-reader) to turn to, to while away the hours, to relax while on holiday. Here are Andean Trails’ top travelling books. Let us know what you like to read …
City Walking Tours: Lima, Santiago & Buenos Aires by Alan Lyall on 8th May, 2015 City Walking Tours: Lima, Santiago & Buenos Aires Capitals on foot A great way to get a feel for a city and also to get your bearings is to do a city tour. The best way to do so and “feel the vibe” is to include a guided walking tour in one of these South …
Bolivia’s Toro Toro National Park by Kat Dougal on 26th March, 2015 Bolivia’s Toro Toro National Park On her recent Bolivia trip, Kat was keen to include a visit to little visited Toro Toro National Park. Kat writes: “Travelling to Toro Toro National Park certainly felt like a proper adventure, starting with a bumpy 4-hour journey after my guide picked me up at Cochabamba airport. I …
Self-guided Quito city walking tour by Kathy Jarvis on 27th February, 2015 Self-guided Quito city walking tour Want to see Quito, but don’t want a group city tour – then take a look at our self-guided walking tour. Our rep in Ecuador, Emma Morgan, has lived in the capital for over a decade and shares her top independent walking tour. Go at your own pace, choose which …
Top 5 restaurants, Lima, Peru by Kathy Jarvis on 20th February, 2015 Top 5 restaurants, Lima, Peru Peru is one of the world’s most geographically varied countries and it’s no surprise that Peruvian food reflects this dazzling diversity in its many restaurants. Here are Andean Trails’ top tips for places to eat in coastal Lima, fast becoming the culinary capital of South America. Lima is famed for …
Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia – backpacker or eco-hotel? by Kat Dougal on 6th February, 2015 Salt flats of Uyuni, Bolivia Kat compares the backpacker and eco-hotel Salt Flats of Uyuni tour packages in this week’s blog, from a comfort and community viewpoint. Revisiting Bolivia recently allowed Kat to reflect on the changes in her and her travel style, too. She writes: “The Salt Flats of Uyuni are a truly spectacular …
A day at Machu Picchu – guided tour & highlights by Tom Shearman on 9th January, 2015 A day at Machu Picchu – guided tour & highlights Machu Picchu. Peru. The Inca Trail. These ruins inspire people to travel and hike great distances to view a wonder of the world, crossing high Andean passes to reach the mysterious Machu Picchu. Nothing can truly prepare anyone for the moment you first fix eyes …
Choose the best rucksack for trekking in the Andes by Tom Shearman on 12th December, 2014 Choose the best rucksack for trekking in the Andes This week, outdoor clothing specialist Rachel Keir talks us through the maze of which rucksack to choose for which trekking trip, drawing on her experience at Silverfox Travel & Outdoors. She writes: Choosing a rucksack for trekking So you’ve made the decision to book a trekking …
Five star hotels in Cusco, Peru by Alan Lyall on 21st November, 2014 We take a look at Cusco’s burgeoning five star hotel scene this week, for all of which we get good booking rates for our passengers. These hotels are perfect for a treat or to rest aching bones after some trekking on the Luxury Inca Trail or the adventure of the Apurimac. Or …
Top 10 reasons to join a group tour in South America by Tom Shearman on 7th November, 2014 Top 10 reasons to join a group tour in South America Travelling solo doesn’t have to mean travelling alone and we are experts at dovetailing group tours with independent travel – the best of both worlds! In this week’s blog Tom shares his top tips with us. Tom writes: Some people prefer travelling only, …
Spotting whales in Colombia by Alan Lyall on 17th October, 2014 This week our own Alan Lyall waxes lyrical about his recent encounter with humpback whales in Colombia…with great photos on Facebook. He writes: “There are angry clouds in the sky whilst we skim along the Pacific Ocean in a small motor boat off the Pacific coast of Colombia’s Choco province. There is an air …
Peru with the kids, Inca Trail, the Amazon, Ecuador and Galapagos by Kathy Jarvis on 19th September, 2014 South America is rapidly becoming a top destination for family holidays. Its mix of adventure, great activities and fascinating cultures take place around dramatic Andean peaks, steamy Amazon rainforest to coastal idylls like the Galapagos Islands, to name a few. Andean Trails’ traveller Sue Daniels and her two teenaged children Geena (15) and Joseph (13), …