
Favourite holiday books to read

by on 22nd May, 2015

Favourite holiday books to read

For some it’s their mobile phone, tablet or laptop, and sometimes the travel companion.

For others, it’s still the book (or e-reader) to turn to, to while away the hours, to relax while on holiday.

Here are Andean Trails’ top travelling books.

Let us know what you like to read while you’re away, or any top recommendations.



I try to read a book that bears some relation to where I am – Lost Cowboys by Hank Wangford – really! A very entertaining tale about Patagonia.

And for those long Patagonian bus rides on straight roads, I have re-read Lord of the Rings many a time.



Bring forth Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas. A weighty book, but so is the brutal and total revenge meted out.

Having sated that lust, Whit by Iain Banks (or any of his fiction of sci-fi) is always worth my time.



I’m much more likely to carry a guidebook to the place I’m visiting, and I like to read so I don’t have to think – no intellectual claptrap for me thank you! A nice bit of easy reading

I might pick up something from the best sellers at my departure airport to pass the time.

The last book I read was The Cuckoo’s Calling – Robert Galbraith, aka JK Rowling.



I love KM by Tomas Menceyra. Incredibly visual and good vibes description of a once-in-a-lifetime trip by friends along the Panamericana highway, from Los Angeles to Buenos Aires.

Also I’d read Salvaje by Cheryl Strayed. A breathtaking adventure, with a deep reflection on the strength of loneliness, and how it takes you to the limits but can also heal.

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