Paramo Clothing Discount
Book with Andean Trails and get 15% off Páramo’s fantastic ethical and high performance outdoor gear.
Whatever you need for your upcoming adventure holiday, the experts at Páramo will kit you out so you are prepared for every type of weather.
Páramo’s kit is tested by the outdoor adventure experts – profits help social programmes in South America.
Páramo keeps you most comfortable outdoors, day in, day out, mile upon mile, year after year.
Book with Andean Trails, and get a voucher worth 15% off purchases made from Páramo’s online or London store (terms and conditions set by Paramo apply).
Five good reasons for choosing Páramo:
- Ethical production
- Unique Nikwax Directional Fabrics
- ‘On the Hill’ Design
- Chosen by Outdoor Professionals
- A lifetime guarantee
More information
1. Ethical production
Páramo’s production facility established in 1992 in Bogotá, Colombia is part of a valuable social program with the Miquelina Foundation to provide employment and skills to ‘at risk’ women seeking an improvement in their lives.
Páramo’s cooperation with Miquelina has allowed thousands of women and children to be helped in very practical ways, with factory profits funding housing projects, a kindergarten and a canteen for local children.
2. Unique Nikwax Directional Fabrics
All Páramo garments use innovative fabrics engineered by sister company Nikwax – designed to actively ‘Direct’ water (liquid water as well as water vapour) to where you need it to keep you comfortable. This goes from our reversible, next-to-the-skin base layers to the outer weatherproof protection of Nikwax Analogy.
As a result of Directionality, Páramo gear outperforms all other outdoor garments – better than ‘breathable’, more comfortable than ‘waterproofs’, as supple and silent as ‘soft shell’, and, unlike other systems, working just as effectively whatever the temperature or humidity.
3. ‘On the Hill’ Design
All Páramo designs originate and are refined by our design team based in the Lake District. They are tested extensively in our labs and by our team of highly critical gear testers, as well as undergoing the Leeds University Rain Room Tests for waterproofs. ‘Páramo style’ emanates from function, comfort and safety rather than fashion. Each garment works superbly on its own but is also designed to be combined effectively with others in the range. Through-to-skin ventilation sited for maximum impact, pockets in the sizes, shapes and places to be most useful, adjustable hoods and cuffs plus excellent articulation for unrestricted movement.
Tell us what you think of our garments too – we love to have feedback.
4. Chosen by Outdoor Professionals
Rescue Teams and Outdoor Instructors and guides were among Páramo’s earliest converts. Today, they remain the focus of our development – by satisfying their needs, Páramo can be sure that all outdoor enthusiasts benefit from fabric and garment improvements.
Páramo gear is selected for its comfort and safety on the hills by such organisations as the National Search & Rescue Dog Association (SARDA), the Countryside Council of Wales and the National Trust for Scotland. It’s the first choice of some 30 teams within the UK Mountain Rescue Community, who routinely use Páramo day in, day out across the wet and windy UK.
Watch renowned landscape photographer Joe Cornish give his take on outdoor clothing…
5. A lifetime guarantee
With Páramo, there’s the guarantee of performance and comfort that will last. There’s no laminate or coatings to break down in your garment – instead the simplicity of aftercare with Nikwax products to maintain the waterproof performance of your garment indefinitely.
Even puncture of the outer fabric does not compromise the performance of our waterproofs – you could stick pins all over the garment, take them out again, and still not get wet in the rain!
Under the Páramo lifetime guarantee, any manufacturing defect will be rectified free of charge indefinitely, while damage to your garment by accident or normal ‘wear & tear’ can be repaired by Páramo at a reasonable cost.
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